Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Meet Abby

Sunday we picked up Colin's goose dog for his golf course and our newest family member Abby.
She is an 8 week old Australian Shephard puppy. She is so cute. At night time though she's not so much lol. It's like having a newborn baby, we have to let her bark it out in her crate until she goes to sleep. Then we don't hear from her the rest of the night. We had the crate in our bedroom but after I would wake her up going to bed, we moved her to the basement.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Totally cool!

We were going to get Chase a train table for his birthday in August, well look what Colin's mechanic gave him for free! That sure saved us alot of money!


The kids both got haircuts today. Chase didn't cry at all this time. He looks like such a handsome little man and Alayna is looking so much older

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Alayna's Fish

Here is a pic of Alayna's bday present.

The best part about Easter...

Is these Cadbury Eggs! I love these things, this is my 3rd bag of them I've bought.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Funny Faces

Alayna decided to make a face at me when I was taking her picture, so Chase decided to copy her
Silly kids!

No time

With me being back to work full time, I am never home and feel like I never have time to blog anymore or read my boards. So I try to catch up on my tv shows and computer stuff at night when I can. So I'm around...I have a bunch of things I want to blog but have to get pics of them first.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Would you be annoyed if...

You get home from work at 8pm to find out that your husband and kids just got home too because they spent the last 2 hours at Dairy Queen playing in the play thing and they are not in there pajamas yet and the dog pooped in the house because he didn't come home to let her out so she went all day without going out since 6am, and he didn't bring you any dinner, and you still have to go through the mail, Alayna's backpack,brush there teeth, change your clothes, take clothes out of dryer from this morning, run the dishwasher...
Yeah, that was my night.

Black Light Mini Golf

They have this Black Light Mini Golf thing in Traverse City, MI and we went there while we were home with Colin's parents and his stepsister and her kids. It's hard to take pics in there because of the dark but I have one where you get the idea. It's a pretty cool idea and the kids like it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So cool!

There is a drive up Starbucks right near my office! Yeah! I know some of us were saying how great it would be to have one of these and I didn't even know they existed so I was excited when I saw it yesterday! I'll have to keep some extra cash on me now so I can stop there before work.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Going home....

We are leaving for the weekend to go back to MI. My mom is selling us her snowblower Yeah! so we have to go get it. It's nice that we live so close now that we can just go for the weekend, we are leaving today after Alayna gets out of school so I won't be posting till sunday or monday night after my first day on the job. It's going to be strange going to the house and seeing my dad's urn up on the fireplace.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Colin has to get a goose dog for his golf course that will also be our pet, so yes we are getting another dog which will add to our flock of 3 cats and one dog already. But we don't have to pay for this one! We are getting an Australian Shephard which are known for there herding skills so they are good at chasing geese and hopefully will keep them off the golf course. We have been talking to a breeder who has puppies now and they will be ready to go home in 3 weeks. She picks the puppy for us. Take a look at her website and the puppies and pick your favorite, one of them will be living with us. They are all so cute!

My title

Why completely uncontrollable you ask? Because that is how life is it seems, and how my life feels like sometimes. And I thought it sounded cool. that's all...

Here I am...where am I?

I decided after reading everyone's blog's that they look so nice that I would go ahead and start one of my own. So here I am and I don't know what to say...um....yeah so I hope I don't bore everyone with my blogs but have fun reading anyway! I have to start taking more pics to post!