Thursday, March 8, 2007


Colin has to get a goose dog for his golf course that will also be our pet, so yes we are getting another dog which will add to our flock of 3 cats and one dog already. But we don't have to pay for this one! We are getting an Australian Shephard which are known for there herding skills so they are good at chasing geese and hopefully will keep them off the golf course. We have been talking to a breeder who has puppies now and they will be ready to go home in 3 weeks. She picks the puppy for us. Take a look at her website and the puppies and pick your favorite, one of them will be living with us. They are all so cute!

1 comment:

Kara said...

awww..they are adorable! I've really been wanting to get another dachshund..but I'm resisting because I know how much work a puppy is...good luck!