Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I wish

that I had something interesting to blog about..I go to work everyday, I guess I could bitch about that and the drama that goes on there, how one girl that I work with changes moods like the wind, she's nice one minute and is up the biff tree the next, thank god I only work with her one time a week. She even cocks an attitude with the Dr. I work with. He asks for another cotton roll and she says why? Why? because he said so you stupid bitch, don't question just do.
The town I work in is a small redneck town and I've been in the east coast long enough to where I don't feel like I fit in anymore. After 5 yrs, the east coast has stayed with me I think.

I'm going back to MI for Memorial Day weekend. We are having a huge garage sale at my mom's this weekend and my sister and I are running it. I am selling the baby clothes I have and the high chair. I can't bring myself to sell the crib yet. I have a feeling I will have alot to do when I get there. My mom has kinda left everything up to my sister to do and I'm not tbere so I can't help her. We shall see I guess....


Anonymous said...

wow your coworker sounds like a trip!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I complain about every little thing on my blog! So blog away about whatever you feel like! Don't be concerned about whether it's interesting! :D

Andrea said...

Yeah, I know. I should I guess.